Main Vectors on Family Concerns are international and worldwide in nature. Thus, policies were developed while considering the Sustainable Development Goals, especially within the civil society, such as, for instance, an educational pilot project for children, in the form of an anti-corruption table game.

Family,  as the basic constituent cell of society,  has many concerns,  which cannot be addressed simultaneously: OFAP opted to emphasize matters relating to the development of Citizenship,  in which,  addressing drugs and crime becomes very relevant.

Consequently,  OFAP privileges the relationship with the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and it is an active member of the Vienna NGO Committee (VNGOC) and the Alliance on Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice (CCPCJ),  as well as having been appointed by the President of the UN General Assembly to the (consultative) Civil Society Task Force,  for the latest UN General Assembly Special Session UNGASS on Drugs,  representing Family Concerns. It has,  previously,  in 2008,  organized,  in Macau,  a consultative conference on the same subject,  publishing its report “Beyond 2008” afterwards.

In its mission,  OFAP was present at Commission on Narcotic Drugs (CND),  since its admission to ECOSOC status,  and is a steady presence in the meetings of CCPCJ,  Commission on Transnational Organized Crime (CTOC),  as well as UN Convention on Anti Corruption (UNCAC),  and participated in several side events as well,  during these meetings,  some of which it co-organized.

To continue these objectives,  OFAP is co-publisher of Femicide,  addressing not only the Condition of Women world-wide,  but,  also,  with special objectives such as,  in the last year (2018),  Trafficking in Persons,  and,  this year (2019),  Cybercrime.

For all this,  and since OFAP belongs to the Civil Society of China,  we contact with the Offices of the Foreign Ministry of China in Macau and the Permanent Mission of The People’s Republic of China to the United Nations and Other International Organizations in Vienna,  as well other official bodies of Macau and high entities in the P.R.C., were established

OFAP is also active outside the scope of the UN,  having co-organized,  with IFNGO three world conferences in Macau,  addressing family and drug concerns,  as well as other addiction problems,  the last one with emphasis on internet addiction,  which, China was the first state declaring it a clinical addiction.

Obviously,  there was also cooperation with other civil society bodies,  such as the Abu Dhabi Family Foundation,  in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Rotary International Action Group for Drugs (RAGFD), Harm Reduction, in Australia, among others,  as well as intervening in diverse conferences and workshops.